Students of the Month for November

Join us as we celebrate the WP High School Students of the Month for November! We are very proud of Hannah Ellerson, Sam Baker, Mason Babcock and Jadyn Mc Cart. They are being recognized for demonstrating excellence in academics, leadership, and character.

Whitney Point High School senior Hannah Ellerson

Whitney Point High School junior Sam Baker

Whitney Point High School sophomore Mason Babcock

Hannah, a senior, has excelled this year! She is always attentive and determined. Hannah takes pride in her work and is always willing to help others.

Sam, a junior, is always helpful to teachers and peers. He works diligently on assignments and is always on task, turning in classwork that is well done, on time, and complete. Sam is a hard-working, polite, kind, and committed young man with integrity. He is an excellent role model for others!

Mason, a sophomore, completes his assignments on time and is often early to class. He is not only polite, but compassionate, caring, and a great help to all in class.

Jadyn, a ninth grader, is always willing to help others. She consistently offers assistance whenever anyone says they are confused about something. Jadyn's work is excellent, but she always seeks to improve. A leader in the class, she is invariably on task and engaged.