Athletic Director
Ph: 607-692-8254
Welcome to Whitney Point Central School District Athletics
Sports Physical Exam Information
Sports Physical Exams for the 2024-2025 school year will be every Friday in the TRA and HS Health Office. Register on Family ID tab below. Contact the Athletic Department, TRA and/or High School Health Offices for an appointment.
Pre-Participation Sports Medical Physical Exams are required for all athletes yearly in order to participate in athletic sports.
New York State requires yearly physical exams when students participate in school sports. Students currently in grades 7th, 8th, 9th 10th, 11th and 12th are eligible for sports physical exams for the 2024-2025 school year.
Sports Physical Exams for the 2024-2025 school year will be on Fridays during the school day in the high school and TRA health offices.
Health Office Contact Information: Any health questions, please call Health Offices
High School Health Office at 607-692-8210 or email
TRA School Health office at 607-692-8236 or email
Whitney Point Central School District Sport Offerings (depending on sign-ups and certified coaches):
Fall: Start Date for All Fall Sports Modified, Junior Varsity and Varsity is Monday, August 26, except Varsity Football Start Monday, August 19. Practice Schedules will be posted on Aktivate/Schedule Galaxy soon. Registration for Fall will open on Family ID at the end of July. If you have any questions contact the athletic department or the coaches.
Varsity-Girls Cheerleading, Boys & Girls Cross Country, Girls Field Hockey, Boys Football, Boys & Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming
Junior Varsity-Girls Field Hockey
Modified-Boys & Girls Cross Country, Girls Field Hockey, Boys Football, Boys & Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming
Winter: Start Date for Modified Winter I Boys Basketball & Girls Volleyball is Monday, October 28th, Start Date for Junior Varsity and Varsity Sports is Monday, November 18th, Winter Start Date for Modified Winter II Boys & Girls Wrestling & Girls Basketball is Monday, January 6th
Varsity-Boys & Girls Basketball, Girls Cheerleading, Boys & Girls Indoor Track & Field, Boys & Girls Wrestling,
Junior Varsity-Boys & Girls Basketball
Modified-Boys & Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball, Boys & Girls Wrestling
Varsity-Boys Baseball, Boys Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Softball, Boys & Girls Track & Field
Junior Varsity-Boys Baseball, Girls Softball
Modified-Boys Baseball, Boys Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Softball, Boys & Girls Track & Field
Spring Sports Start Dates:
Varsity: Start Date March 17th
Boys Baseball-11th-12th grades
Golf-9th-12th grades
Girls Softball-11th-12th grades
Boys & Girls Track & Field-9th-12th grades
Boys Lacrosse-10th-12th grades
Girls Lacrosse-10th-12th grades
Junior Varsity: Start Date March 17th
Boys Baseball-9th-10th grades
Girls Softball-9th-10th grades
Modified: Start Date March 24th
Boys & Girls Track & Field-7th-8th grades
Modified: Start Date March 31st
Boys Lacrosse-7th-9th grades
Girls Lacrosse-7th-9th grades
Modified: Start Date April 7th
Boys Baseball-7th-8th grades
Girls Softball-7th-8th grades
Golf-7th-8th grades
Strength & Conditioning Programs High School and Middle School Student Athletes
Welcome to Whitney Point Central School District Athletic Strength & Conditioning Program
This program is intended to support middle school 7th & 8th grades students, high school students 9th-12th grades participating in sports during the 2024-2025 school year.
The UHS and Whitney Point Strength & Conditioning Program is designed to develop students' strength, endurance, speed, agility and sports skills The emphasis of this program is on participating, self-improvement and developing a lifestyle to perform in sports. The workouts are designed to teach the concepts of sports, functional movement, nutrition, sleep and goal setting to enhance future athletic performance.
Staff: Whitney Point Sport Coaches and UHS Athletic Trainer, Eugene Lee and Strength & Conditioning Coach, Madison Saleman. Can contact S&G coach via email or the athletic trainer via email
Location: Whitney Point Central School District Weight Room, Gyms and Fields. Student athletes are to enter the Weight Room for sessions.
Dates: During the Sports Season Practices
Sports Strength & Conditioning Session Days: During the Sports Season Practice
Students: Middle school 7th & 8th grades students, high school students 9th-12th may attend a sport strength & conditioning sessions which includes speed & agility training.
Levels: Middle School Grades-(7th & 8th) and High School Grades-(9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Transportation: Students athletes can ride the 4:30 pm sport or provide their own transportation to and from their workout depending on their session time. Students must be delivered and picked up on time.
Students should wash & sanitize hand before, during and after sessions
Student should practice respiratory hygiene
Students should not share clothing or water bottles
Students should shower and wash workout clothing after each session
Workout Clothes: Sneakers, T-shirt, shorts, long-sleeve shirt, sweatshirt or jacket and socks
Hydration: Student should bring their own water bottles
Forms: Complete FamilyID Forms which includes important health information reviewed by the Nurses office prior to participating as well as mandatory policies and agreements.
Family ID Web Link:
If a parent, guardian or student athlete chooses not to register on FamilyID they can call or stop by the Whitney Point Athletic Department in the High School Main Office to sign up for a sport each season and obtain the necessary paperwork for clearance.
Contact Information: Any questions, please call 607-692-8245 or e-mail
Gym Calendars & Sessions Times on Aktivate / Schedule Galaxy Link:
Register on Family ID-maroon tab below
Dates & Times Subject to Change Check Aktivate/Schedule Galaxy Tab for Upcoming Details