Title I/AIS Information
District Contacts
Shannon Koehler, Assistant Superintendent
Molly Hawley, High School Principal
Molly Goosman, Caryl E. Adams Elementary School Principal
Parent Resources
Please visit these websites by clicking on the links:
Whitney Point Title I Complaint Procedures
Every effort is made to answer inquiries and resolve issues at the most direct and immediate level. If an issue cannot be satisfactorily resolved through communication with the child’s school, a formal complaint procedure may be implemented. In the event that the complaint pertains to services received through Title I, the complainant will be referred to:
Shannon Gillette, Assistant Superintendent at (607) 692-8330.
The District Office will work to resolve the issue with continued communication with the complainant within 30 days. The complainant will be informed that if the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at the District level, he/she may contact:
Title I School and Community Services Office, Room 365 EBA, New York State Education Department, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234
If still not resolved at the NYSED level, the complainant may contact:
The United States Department of Education (USDOE)
Title I Office?400 Maryland Avenue, SW?
Washington, DC 20202?(202) 260-0826
The Whitney Point Central School District Office will maintain records, which will include such information as:
•the school building where the complaint was submitted;
•the person making the complaint;
•the nature of the complaint;
•if the complaint was forwarded to the NYSED for review;
•if the complaint was forwarded to the USDOE for review; and
•the school building, district, state or federal level outcome of the complaint.
2021-2022 Title I: Annual Parent Meeting - May 9, 2022
To watch our recording of the 2021-2022 annual parent meeting, click here.
To view the PowerPoint from the 2021-2022 annual parent meeting, click here.
Links to Important Documents
District Parent Involvement Plan
CEA Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy/Plan