District Office

District Office

Jo-Ann Sexton, Superintendent
607-692-8313; jsexton@wpcsd.org

Stacey Black, District Clerk/Secretary
607-692-8313; sblack@wpcsd.org; Fax 607-692-4434

Shannon Koehler, Assistant Superintendent
607-692-8277; skoehler@wpcsd.org

Christina Bolson, District Office Secretary & Registrar
607-692-8277; cbolson@wpcsd.org; Fax 607-692-4434

Carolyn Gollogly, Grants and Safety Coordinator
607-692-8269; cgollogly@wpcsd.org, Fax607- 692-4434

Zachary Woodard, School Business Executive
607-692-8204; zwoodard@wpcsd.org

Kaitlyn Wilkinson, District Office Secretary
607-692-8330; kwilkinson@wpcsd.org

Lori Mudge, Benefits Coordinator
607-692-8204; lmudge@wpcsd.org; Fax 607-692-4434

Aaron Kaminsky, Director of Special Services
607-692-8228; akaminsky@wpcsd.org

Brittany Walsh, Secretary
607-692-8228; bwalsh@wpcsd.org; Fax 607-692-7223

Murphee Hayes, Director of Athletics
607-692-8245; mhayes@wpcsd.org

Teresa Ellerson, Secretary
607-692-8245; tellerson@wpcsd.org; Fax 607-692-8256

Scott McIntyre, Maintenance Supervision
607-692-8270; smcintyre@wpcsd.org