TRA Band

At the TRA, we have a 5th Grade Beginning Band directed by Mr. McAllister, a 6th Grade Band directed by Mr. D'Imperio and a 7th & 8th Grade Band directed by Ms. Pullen.
Fifth Grade Beginning Band students will start the year taking lessons in small groups to learn the basics of their instrument. After a few months of individual practice, students will come together for full band rehearsals to prepare for their first full concert in the spring.
In 6th-8th Grade, band students will have a small group lesson once every six days and a band rehearsal every other day. They will have both a Winter Concert and a Spring Concert.
All band members will perform in the Ice Cream Social in June. The 7th and 8th Grade Band and Chorus students will participate in a music festival/competition in June in New York or Pennsylvania.
TRA Band students who are in grades 6-8 have the opportunity to join the TRA Jazz Band.
TRA Band Photo Gallery

Contact the Directors
Christopher McAllister, 5th Grade Band, 4/5 General Music
Dominick D'Imperio, 6th Grade Band
Katie Pullen, 7th-12th Grade Band
(607) 692-8365